- Ireland
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- The Socratics Think Tank - Dublin, Ireland
The Socratics Think Tank - Dublin, Ireland
Company: The Socratics Think Tank
Headquarters: Dublin, Ireland
Industry: Think Tanks
The Socratics Ltd. is a Think Tank focused on the following 4 pillars: 1. Leadership. The Mirror Test: Ensuring CEO's are honest with themselves first & foremost 2. Governance. Models derived from Decentralized Thinking & Socratic Methods to bridge the gap between public & private and corporate & startup ecosystems 3. Sustainability. Sport & Media as a vehicle to enact change 4. Vitae. Connecting humans through common interest & experience
Program Fee: HKD$5,600, includes:
1) 90-hour Company Placement
2) Company Recommendation Letter
3) Internship Program Certificate
4) Resume Review
5) Mock Interview
6) 1-on-1 Career Coaching Sessions - identify your personal values & right career
7) Exclusive Career Talks & Training
Remarks: The final decision of the matching result is subject to the Partners, we do NOT guarantee you must get your top company preference choice.